The club property consists of 500 acres in the lower Coeur d’Alene River drainage. It is bordered by the Coeur d’Alene River to the North and Idaho State Hwy.3 to the South.
You can Mapquest or Google the property at 26175 South Hwy. 3, Cataldo, Id. 83810
400 acres of the property is protected by a conservation easement held by the Inland Northwest Land Conservancy and Ducks Unlimited has been hired to do the operation and management of the easement. The property is privately owned and is not open to the public.
The club also has 100 acres of the property that is actively farmed and is not part of the conservation easement.
Please take the time to look over our website. If you would like to learn more about the club and how to become a member just contact us by filling the form at the bottom of any page.
If you are on facebook, you can find us at: